Der ultimative Leitfaden zur Beleuchtung von Konferenz- und Besprechungsräumen




Conference room lighting is an essential element of a productive and comfortable meeting environment. Appropriate lighting ensures that everyone can see each other and the presentation clearly, and it also helps to create a positive and inviting atmosphere.

In this guide, we will discuss the importance of conference room lighting, the different types of lighting available, and the factors to consider when choosing lighting for your conference room. We will also provide some specific advice for creating the perfect lighting for your needs.

Importance of Conference Room Lighting


A well-thought-out lighting design in a conference room can have numerous beneficial effects:

• Improvement in task visibility: By ensuring that lighting levels are adequate, everyone in the room can clearly see presentations, documents, and each other. This not only aids in understanding and communication but also enhances the overall efficiency of meetings.


• Enhancement in focus and concentration: With the right color temperature and direction of lighting, an environment that is conducive to focus and concentration can be created. This can help in maintaining attention during long meetings and discussions, thereby improving the overall productivity.

• Boost in mood and well-being: A warm and inviting lighting atmosphere can make a positive and comfortable environment. This promotes a sense of well-being among the participants and can lead to more positive interactions and outcomes.

• Reduction in fatigue and eye strain: Properly designed lighting, that avoids harsh lights and shadows, can help to reduce eye strain and fatigue. This not only improves overall productivity but can also lead to better health and well-being of the participants.

• Enhancement in creativity and collaboration: A well-lit space can encourage creativity and collaboration by creating a stimulating and inviting environment. This can lead to more innovative ideas and better teamwork, both of which are essential for successful meetings.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Conference Room Lighting


When choosing conference room lighting, it is important to consider the following factors:

• Room size and layout: The size and layout of the meeting room are crucial factors that will determine the number of light fixtures required and their best location. If a room is large, it might require more light fixtures to ensure that the entire space is well lit. Similarly, the specific layout of the room should be carefully considered. For example, areas that are intended for reading or work might need more focused lighting, while social or relaxation areas might benefit from softer, more ambient lighting. Therefore, a careful evaluation of the room’s size and layout is a fundamental step in effective lighting planning.

• Purpose of the room: When deciding on the appropriate lighting for the room, one of the key factors to consider is the type of meetings that will be held in the space. Different meetings have different requirements. For instance, brainstorming sessions may benefit from softer, more ambient lighting to encourage creativity, while formal presentations might require stronger, direct lighting. Therefore, understanding the purpose of the room and the type of meetings that will take place there will greatly influence the choice of lighting.


• Desired atmosphere: The color temperature impacts the mood of a room. Warm colors like red, orange, and yellow make a room feel cozy and welcoming. Cool colors like blue and green help with focus and clarity. So, choosing between warm or cool colors can change the room’s feel and use.

• Budget: The cost of lighting fixtures can vary significantly, depending on their design and the materials used in their construction. On the lower end of the scale, you can find basic, functional fixtures. However, if you’re looking for something more sophisticated or unique, you should be prepared to invest a bit more. High-end fixtures, often featuring superior materials and intricate designs, will naturally come with a higher price tag.

• Brightness: Brightness, measured in lux, is the crucial factor in ensuring that everyone in the conference room can see clearly and comfortably. The recommended lux level for conference rooms ranges from 500 to 700. This level of brightness allows for easy reading of documents, clear presentation viewing, and overall visual comfort.

• Farbtemperatur: Color temperature, measured in Kelvin (K), refers to the perceived warmth or coolness of the light. It significantly impacts the mood and atmosphere of the conference room. Warmer color temperatures, ranging from 2700K to 3000K, create a more inviting and relaxing atmosphere, suitable for casual meetings or discussions.Cooler color temperatures, ranging from 3500K to 6500K, promote focus and concentration, making them ideal for presentations, brainstorming sessions, or tasks that require increased alertness.

• Direction: The direction of lighting plays a significant role in minimizing glare and promoting focus. Direct lighting, which provides a focused beam of light, can be beneficial for tasks like reading or writing. However, it can also create glare, causing discomfort and hindering focus.

Indirect lighting, on the other hand, bounces light off surfaces before reaching the room, creating a more diffused and ambient light. This type of lighting is ideal for reducing glare and creating a comfortable, inviting atmosphere.

• Dimmers: Dimmers offer the flexibility to adjust the brightness of the lighting to suit different needs and activities. For instance, you can use brighter lighting for presentations and dimmer lighting for discussions or breaks. This versatility allows you to create the ideal lighting environment for various conference room activities.

Types of Conference and Meeting Room Lighting


There are main types of conference room lighting:

1. General or ambient lighting: General or ambient lighting is the main source of light in a conference room. It ensures overall visibility and sets the baseline lighting level, creating a well-lit environment.

This lighting type evenly illuminates the room, providing a comfortable brightness that lets people do activities and move around easily without feeling tired. It sets the foundational tone for the room, allowing other types of lighting to enhance specific areas or tasks within the space.

Beleuchtung von Konferenz- und Besprechungsräumen

2. Overhead Lighting: Overhead lighting serves as the primary source of light in most conference rooms. It plays a crucial role in providing general illumination that blankets the entire space, ensuring visibility and creating a helpful environment for discussion, presentations, and other team tasks. Various types of overhead lighting options are available, each offering different aesthetics and functionality.

These include recessed lights which are installed into the ceiling, providing a clean and modern look. Track lights, on the other hand, feature multiple fixtures on a continuous track, allowing for flexibility in lighting direction and focus. Suspended fixtures such as chandeliers or pendant lights add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the room, serving both as a lighting source and a decorative element.

3. Task lighting: task lighting adds extra light for specific jobs, unlike dimmable lights which lower overall light to focus on one spot. In conference rooms, task lighting is very useful. It can highlight key points in a presentation, making the message clearer and more effective.

For example, task lighting can help explain complex charts or spotlight a new product model. Many conference rooms have a small stage for the speaker. Lighting should be directed at the speaker for everyone to see them clearly.

Track lighting is a good choice for this. It can aim light at specific angles, ensuring both the speaker and their presentation are well-lit. This helps the audience understand and engage better.

4. Accent Lighting: Accent lighting is a useful type of light that has two roles. It gives off needed light and also serves as a decoration, making a space look better. Its main job is to highlight a certain area or thing, making it the center of attention in the room.

For example, wall sconces, which are fancy and give off a soft light, can be used as accent lighting to make plain, boring walls more exciting. They can turn a simple wall into an attractive part of the room.

In professional spaces like meeting rooms, a smart mix of warm accent lights and cool general lights can make a balanced and comfy space. This mix of lights can boost creativity and work, while also making a nice setting for meetings and chats.

When choosing LED strips for accent lighting, it’s essential to install them correctly to get the look you want. One common mistake is not having enough lights per meter, which can make a line of bright spots instead of a smooth strip of light. So, it’s important to make sure the LED strip has enough lights, spaced evenly, to make one smooth, even strip of light. This will give a smooth and stylish look, improving the overall design and feel of the space.

5. Dimmable lighting: Dimmable lighting is a crucial aspect of conference or meeting room design, offering a flexible and adaptable environment. It can concentrate attention on a speaker or interviewee, adding emphasis without being harsh or excessively bright.

This feature is particularly beneficial in rooms with a projector. By dimming lights near the projector, it prevents the washout of the projected image, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of presentations.

Proposals and Tips for Conference and Meeting Room Lighting


Want to improve the look and use of your meeting room? We offer creative lighting ideas that mix style with practicality. Here are some ideas to change your space:

Proposal Lightings


1. Ceiling Lights for Enhanced Visibility

Selecting the right ceiling lights for the conference table can make the room look good and work well for meetings. There are many LED designs to pick from. You can find both simple and fancy styles. Choose lights that match your conference room and help people work better.

2. Simple and Stylish Pendant Lighting

Pendant lights are more than just decorations. They light up your rooms and also make them look good. These lights are great because they’re useful and stylish at the same time. You can use them to make your meeting rooms look better. They have a classy design that can make any room look more elegant. Pendant lights can be the main attraction of a room and make it look deeper. They can change how a room feels and make your meeting rooms a better place for good talks and getting work done.

3. Recessed Downlights for Uniform Illumination

Using LED recessed Downlights can light up a meeting room evenly. By placing them above the sidewalls, every corner gets enough light. This setup not only improves visibility but also makes a conference room brighter, helping in productive discussions. The lighting creates a focused and engaging atmosphere, ideal for spaces where talking and interaction are important. With the right positioning of these downlights, you can change a meeting room’s feel just by improving its lighting.

4. Interactive LED Panel Lights

LED Panel lights use new tech to change a normal meeting room into a place where ideas can grow. The lights can change with the mood of the meeting, the style of a presentation, or the pace of idea-sharing.

These lights make meetings fun and help get more work done. They also make your conference room look modern, showing that your company is open to new ideas. By adding these lights to your workspace, you’re not just improving your room. You’re also making a place that helps creativity, teamwork, and productivity.

Simple Tips for Conference Room Lighting


• Energy Efficiency: Using Eco-friendly Lighting

With the increasing emphasis on sustainability, energy-efficient lighting is becoming a critical consideration for conference rooms. LED lighting stands out as a superior choice, offering significant energy savings compared to traditional incandescent or fluorescent bulbs.

LEDs consume up to 80% less energy, reducing both your electricity costs and your environmental impact. Additionally, LEDs have a longer lifespan, minimizing the need for frequent replacements and further contributing to sustainability.


• Safety: Focusing on Fire and Electrical Safety

Safety is most important factor when it comes to conference room lighting. Ensure that all lighting fixtures are properly installed, grounded, and maintained to prevent electrical hazards. Regularly inspect fixtures for signs of wear or damage, and promptly address any issues.

Choose lighting fixtures with appropriate safety ratings for the location and intended use. For instance, use fixtures with water-resistant ratings in areas with potential moisture exposure.

Future Trends


As technology advances, we can expect to see even more innovative and sophisticated lighting solutions for conference rooms. Here are some emerging trends worth considering:

  • Human-Centric Lighting: This approach focuses on designing lighting that mimics natural daylight, promoting circadian rhythms and enhancing well-being.
  • Wireless Lighting Controls: These systems enable seamless control of lighting from smartphones or tablets, offering greater flexibility and convenience.
  • Integrated Lighting Systems: These systems integrate lighting with other building systems, such as HVAC and occupancy sensors, optimizing energy efficiency and occupant comfort.

By adopting these future trends, you can keep your conference and meeting room lighting updated and help your team succeed.

Additional Resources




Conference room lighting is not just an aesthetic consideration; It significantly affects the efficiency, comfort, and mood of those in the meeting. By carefully considering the principles and techniques discussed in this guide, you can create a well-lit environment.

Take the next step to optimize your conference and meeting room lighting. Kontakt a lighting professional to assess your specific needs and explore the latest lighting solutions available. Remember, investing in well-designed conference room lighting is an investment in your team’s productivity, well-being, and overall success.


  • Blog-Autor

    I'm Joseph, the Co-founder of CST Lighting, bringing over a decade of expertise in the LED lighting industry. With a strong focus on product marketing, I am dedicated to staying at the forefront of market trends, constantly enhancing my knowledge and skills to deliver top-notch products and services to our clients. Through our insightful blog posts, we strive to share our expertise, guiding readers through the ever-evolving landscape of LED lighting. Learn more via my linkedin profile

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